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Ärztegenossenschaft Hochfranken eG

Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. med. Bernhard Wagner

Ärztegenossenschaft Hochfranken is a regional practice network in the rural area of Hochfranken. It consists of 47 practicing physicians (35 GPs and 12 specialists).

The network maintains a strong collaboration to a network of health care professionals (Gesundheitsnetz Hochfranken e.V.) and the regional hospitals in Hof, Münchberg and Naila. Once a year, the “Gesundheitskongress” (Health Care Congress) for physicians, politicians and researchers giving talks about current issues in health care.

Partner in the PRO PRICARE Network were:

Karl-Heinz Grimm, MD
General Practitioner, Diabetologist, Addiction Medicine

Winfried Sachs, MD
General Practitioner, Acupuncture

Herr Klaus Tröger
Managing Director ÄGH