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For General Practitioners

What do we offer?

  • Practical training to enable you to carry out research projects together with us
  • Expense allowance for participation in the training courses
  • Opportunity to actively participate in studies
  • Opportunity to develop and implement your own research ideas in regional workshops
  • Opportunity to network and exchange ideas
  • Discounted access to Deximed
  • Certificate of membership in BayFoNet


How can I become a member?


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Private Access for Research Practices

The training modules are aimed at GPs and MFAs interested in research. Participation in one of the modules is a prerequisite for accreditation as a BayFoNet research practice.

In three modules, participants gain an insight into patient-oriented research. They learn the basics of conducting studies and complex studies based on GCP (Good Clinical Practice), non-AMG (German Medicines Act) and non-MPG (German Medical Devices Act) studies. In our training modules, you will develop skills that will enable you to actively participate in studies.

Here you can find our current online training series 2024.

The regional ideas workshop offers the opportunity for exchange and networking, to develop and implement your own research ideas and to find out about current studies relevant to GPs. As part of the workshop, current studies and their results are applied to practice and discussed together and are aimed at GPs, scientists and MFAs.