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Monitoring routines in people with chronic diseases: Current state and roadmap for the future

What is it about?

Monitoring involves repeated and regular examinations to control and adapt the treatment of a chronic illness. The aim is to prevent symptomatic crises and improve the long-term prognosis in terms of symptoms, disability, disease episodes and mortality. However, the results of monitoring studies can also lead to uncertainties and diagnostic cascades, as well as tying up financial and human resources. Sufficient study evidence on benefit and safety should be available, but this is not the case for some monitoring measures.

How does the study work?

In the first phase of the project, we will carry out an inventory of care. This involves conducting interviews with doctors and patients and analyzing health insurance data. In the second phase, methodological, health and research policy recommendations will be developed to help improve the quality of care for people with chronic illnesses.

Consortium leadership:

Institut für Allgemeinmedizin,Philipps-Universität Marburg

Consortium partner:

Institut für Medizininformatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Wissenschaftlisches Institut, AOK

Cooperation partner:

Dr. Julian Bleek (AOK-Bundesverband)

Prof. Ina Kopp (AWMF)

Prof. Tobias Bonten (University Leiden)

Prof. Paul Glasziou (University Queenland)

Prof. Rowan Harwood (University Nottingham)

The project is funded by Federal Joint Committee G-BA with 1.2 million euros from January 2023 to December 2025.